From Bellows to Best Practice: The Fascinating Evolution of CPR

As your local CPR experts, we don’t mind the odd nerd out about cpr history. Ever wondered how CPR came to be?  It was a long time in the making, and their were some pretty interesting steps along the way.

 Spoiler alert: it involves bellows, arm-waving, and some pretty clever doctors!

The Early Days: Blowing Smoke (Literally!)

Believe it or not, the roots of CPR go all the way back to the 1700s. Back then, if you’d pulled someone out of the water, you might have been told to:

  • Use bellows to inflate their lungs (1770s)
  • Roll them over a barrel (yes, really!)
  • Blow tobacco smoke… you know where (we’re not kidding)

Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since then!

The Birth of Modern CPR

Fast forward to the 1950s and 60s, and things start getting interesting:

  • 1956: Drs. Elam and Safar prove that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation actually works (no bellows required!)
  • 1960: The dream team of Drs. Safar, Kouwenhoven, and Knickerbocker combine chest compressions with mouth-to-mouth breathing. Modern CPR is born!

CPR Goes Public

The 1960s and 70s saw CPR training go mainstream:

  • The American Heart Association starts teaching CPR to the public
  • 1972: Seattle launches the first mass CPR training program, teaching over 100,000 people in just two years. Go Seattle!

happy scientists wearing white smile for a staff photo

Recent Developments: It Keeps Getting Better!

From the 2000s onwards, CPR has continued to evolve:

  • Greater emphasis on high-quality chest compressions
  • Introduction of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in public spaces
  • Regular updates to guidelines based on the latest research

a technician works on circuit boardds in an irish aed factory

Why This History Lesson Matters

Here’s the thing: CPR has come a long way since the days of tobacco smoke and barrel-rolling. But the evolution isn’t over. Guidelines and best practices continue to change as we learn more about what works best.

That’s why staying up-to-date with your CPR training is so crucial. What you learned even a few years ago might not be the most effective technique today. This is where CPR refresher courses come in handy, ensuring your skills are always sharp and current.

Stay Current, Save Lives: Join Our HLTAID009 Course!

Ready to get your CPR skills up to speed? Whether you’re a first-timer or looking for a CPR renewal, our HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation course is your ticket to mastering the latest and greatest in CPR techniques.

Here’s why our course is the bee’s knees:

  • Up-to-the-Minute Training: We’re always on top of the latest guidelines. No outdated techniques here!
  • Hands-On Practice: Theory is great, but nothing beats actually doing it.
  • Confidence Booster: You’ll walk out feeling ready to handle any emergency.
  • Quick and Convenient: With our online theory and 45-minute hands-on session, you’ll be certified before you know it.
  • Perfect for Refreshers: Need a CPR refresher? Our course is ideal for brushing up on your skills and learning any new techniques.
  • Hassle-Free Renewal: If it’s time for your CPR renewal, we’ve got you covered. Stay certified with minimal fuss.

Don’t be the person trying to roll someone over a barrel in an emergency (trust us, it won’t go down well). Whether you’re new to CPR or need a refresher, get trained, stay current, and be the hero your community needs.

Book your spot in our HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation course today. It’s more than just a class – it’s your CPR refresher, renewal, and skills upgrade all in one. Because in the world of CPR, being old-fashioned isn’t just uncool – it could be the difference between life and death.

Stay safe and stay updated, Brisbane!

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Hi there! I'm Jack Majlinger. I began my first aid journey back in 2012, with my first "first aid" course. It was after a hiking accident where a friend had to be airlifted. Over the years, my first aid skills grew, I volunteered at equestrian events and local shows and became a first aid trainer.

When I'm not working on content, I enjoy spotting birds in the wild and writing jangle pop tunes.

Allens Training Partner

CPR Course Brisbane (trading as My First Aid Course) is proud to deliver training on behalf on Allens Training RTO 90909

My First Aid Course
Primary Training Centre:
21 Braun St, Deagon QLD 4017
07 38726777

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